Functions of examination cell

Lay the Examination guidelines according to the College and University. Propose reforms in the examination system of the college for improving the quality. Generating the Register Numbers for newly admitted students 

Generating the Programme Codes as well as Course Codes. Notifying the examination schedule and dates of various stages connected with theexaminations. 

Fixing the timetable for conduct of the examinations. 

Provide necessary material towards conducting the internal examinations. 

Question paper setting as per the syllabi, model question papers approved in Board ofStudies. 

Moderation of Question Papers to rectify, if any.Printing of question papers

Procurement of stationary, equipment and al the articles necessary for the conduct ofexaminations. 

Supply of Examination applications to the candidates. Processing of examination applications and generation of Hall tickets. Printing of D-Forms. 

Preparation of semester-wise Nominal rolls. 

Issuing of Answer Booklets to the Internal Examination Committee one day before ofevery exam. 

Handing over the question papers to the Internal Examination Committee half an hourbefore the commencement of the examinations. Receiving of Answer scripts and absentees’ statement as per the D-forms supplied tothe Internal Examination Committee. 

Coding of the answer scripts after the examinations and bundling the scripts.Undertaking valuation of answer scripts. 

Scrutiny of answer scripts.Computerising the marks. 

Processing and verification of marks with register. 

Announcement of results in-time through college website and placing on the Noticeboard. 

Notification for Recounting/Revaluation/Challenging Valuation. Printing and distribution of Grade Cards. 

Recounting/Revaluation/Challenging Valuation of answer scripts. Attending any kind of Grievances. 

Preparation of Consolidated Marks Memo and Provisional Certificates Submission of all data and marks to the University for the award of original degreesby the University. 

Maintenance of Tabulated Marks Register (TR) and Degree Registers. Conducting the Graduation Day. 

Maintenance of up-to-date records related to examination section.

Register Number Generation:  

To procure the Final Admission list for UG Programme from the Office/ Admission Committee. 

Generation of Register Number(Unique I.D.): 

E.g:22BSMP102 – from 2022 Nine digit alpha numeric unique id number is introduced. 

                                           22 : First two digits represents the Admitted year 

BSMP : Next four letters represents the programme code i.e. B.Sc (MPC)

                                       102 : Last three digits represents the student running number. 

Preparation of Course Master:  

To obtain the list of courses with correct nomenclature / Marks segregation and type of examination (theory or practical) with syllabus and relevant credits allotted to each course acknowledged by Heads of the Programmes from the Academic Coordinator. 

To check the number of core, elective, language, skill (General & Special), lnternship, projects with maximum marks and credits including the Interdisciplinary elective acknowledged by the Heads of various departments. 

Generation of Course Codes:  

To Group the courses as core, elective, supportive, skill (General and Special) and check whether it is theory or practical and generate the code accordingly. 

Inputs for Software Customizing for filling up of examination application form:  

List of Courses and list of students who are to appear for regular examinations. List of students who have arrears with course names. Examination time Table 

Photographs of all I year students with Name / Register Number.


The Examination Cell, in all its functions, is guided and regulated by the UGC rules of Autonomy, resolutions of the Examination Committee and the Academic Council of the college. As the college is affiliated to Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, its rules are also followed in some cases.